{"id":91426,"date":"2022-09-22T22:51:40","date_gmt":"2022-09-22T17:21:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.imageantra.com\/10-curiosities-of-the-egg-a-food-rich-in-protein-and-nutrients\/"},"modified":"2022-09-22T22:51:40","modified_gmt":"2022-09-22T17:21:40","slug":"10-curiosities-of-the-egg-a-food-rich-in-protein-and-nutrients","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.imageantra.com\/10-curiosities-of-the-egg-a-food-rich-in-protein-and-nutrients\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Curiosities of the Egg | A food rich in protein and nutrients"},"content":{"rendered":"



Who has not ever had a delicious pair of fried eggs for breakfast? Or with an omelet of eggs, ham and vegetables? According to the culture in which we live, this ingredient is part of our food routine. However, there are several curiosities of the egg<\/strong> that you may not know. For this reason, today in Supercurious, we have decided to review the breakfast table to bring you the best curious facts about the egg. Let’s go meet them!<\/p>\n

10 curious facts about the egg that you should know<\/span><\/h2>\n

To begin with, we can say that, among the curious facts about the egg, we have that there are no archaeological records of when we began to eat them, but it has probably been part of our diet since long before we lived, as we do today,<\/strong> In times before the invention of fire, when we barely ate seeds, fruits, leaves, small animals and, of course, bird eggs<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

Even the consumption of chicken eggs, which is the unfertilized egg that we consume the most in the world, we should have started tasting it long before turning it into a domestic bird. Here we present some of the most interesting curiosities of the egg, you may not know about this nutritious food. Let us begin!<\/p>\n



1. An ideal food for athletes<\/span><\/h3>\n

We begin this journey through the curiosities of the egg, telling you that specifically the chicken egg is a food with a very high nutritional value. A single egg provides six grams of protein and fourteen essential nutrients,<\/strong> including vitamins A, B, D and E, as well as being a source of calcium, selenium and iodine. That is why it becomes an essential food in the diet of athletes and high-performance athletes.<\/p>\n

2. Lots of vitamins, minus one<\/span><\/h3>\n

And one of the curious facts about the egg is that, although it is a true nutritional bomb, rich in proteins, minerals and all the vitamins, there is one that it does not contain in its composition. It’s about the Vitamin C<\/a>. <\/strong>You will find her in foods such as oranges or kiwis.<\/p>\n

3. Potential chick?<\/span><\/h3>\n

And among the most controversial egg curiosities is the belief, which has appeared in recent years, that each egg is a potential chick. Well, the reality is that it is not. The eggs are ova unfertilized by the rooster<\/strong> and the confusion is due to the fact that there is an increasing gap between the activities of the countryside and urban life. So, you can eat your eggs in peace, that you will not be affecting the life of any tender chick.<\/p>\n

4. The biggest egg eater<\/span><\/h3>\n

Think you’re a fan of eggs? Well, rest assured that there are those who love them more than you. In fact, the world record for the consumption of hard-boiled eggs against the clock is held by Joey \u201cJaws\u201d Chestnut, who in 2013, he consumed 141 hard-boiled eggs in just eight minutes. <\/strong>A voracious appetite!<\/p>\n

5. How much egg do we consume?<\/span><\/h3>\n


Another of the curious facts about the egg that should be known: world consumption of chicken eggs is about 68 million tons<\/strong>which is equivalent to the annual production of 4,000 million laying hens.<\/p>\n

6. Counterfeit Eggs<\/span><\/h3>\n

In China, the sale of counterfeit eggs has become a problem<\/strong>. These are quite similar to the real ones, made with resins, dyes and starch, among other ingredients. The scammed often buy them for a much lower price than a real egg and find out about the scam when they get home. A good forger can make up to 1,500 eggs a day.<\/strong><\/p>\n

7. Record in tortillas<\/span><\/h3>\n

We add to the curiosities of the egg another of its peculiar records. We tell you that there is one linked to tortillas. Who takes it is Howard Helmer, who made 427 two-egg omelettes in thirty minutes<\/strong>something like one every 4.2 seconds.<\/p>\n

8. Human oophagia<\/span><\/h3>\n

We add to the curious data of the egg the fact that human ovophagia goes beyond chickens. We also eat the eggs of ducks, geese, quail, pigeons, different fish and some reptiles, such as turtles and iguanas. <\/strong><\/p>\n

But perhaps the most exotic dish with this ingredient comes from the rich Mexican gastronomy<\/a>: the ahuatle<\/strong> <\/em>Also called Mexican caviar, these are the eggs of an insect called axayacatl, which translated from Nahuatl would be “water horsefly”, although it is more of a kind of bedbug. <\/strong>It is prepared in the form of pancakes, tamales, and it is a delicacy of Aztec origin that one day we should try.<\/p>\n

9. The egg shell<\/span><\/h3>\n

Generally, we think that the egg shell is completely useless, but this is a curiosity that will make you see it in a slightly different way. Well, when talking about what the eggshell is for, we find a lot of functionalities. It is used to whiten clothes, to clean glass and pans and as a fertilizer for garden plants.<\/strong><\/p>\n

An extra fact that you should know: it is not recommended to wash the eggs. When we make it, the shell can be damaged, and if so, the entry of microorganisms is much more likely to cause the product to lose quality and cause diseases.<\/p>\n

10. How to know if it is fresh?<\/span><\/h3>\n


We close this trip with the best curiosities of the egg, offering you a piece of information that will surely be very useful when eating it. The egg is a food that is mainly made up of water.<\/p>\n

As its shell is porous, over time the water evaporates through it and is replaced by air, so that the egg loses its qualities. Then, if you want to identify if an egg is really fresh, you just need to put it in water. The deeper it sinks, the fresher the egg.<\/strong> If it exceeds the water level, then it is best not to cook it.<\/p>\n

And you, Did you know these curious facts about the egg? Are you one of those who adds this food to your breakfasts or daily meals?<\/strong> Or do you rather avoid eating it? Dare to leave us all your opinions in a comment. We will be happy to read you! And if you want a couple more reasons to integrate this food full of nutrients and proteins into your diet, we recommend you read this article in which the best reasons to eat eggs<\/a> and its benefits for your health and your skin. See you in an upcoming supercurious article!<\/p>\n

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